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Hello. I am Vanessa Guedes, a front-end developer with some background in project management.

Originally from Brazil, currently I work at Accenture Nordics, in Stockholm, Sweden, as a Frontend Specialist.

A passionate developer

I believe that sharing knowledge and distributing information are powerful things. That is why I've chosen to work with web development. So, I strongly believe that making these things accessible to everybody is the developer's responsability.
Twitter - Github - Instagram

What do I do?

I've being working with the full frontend-package lately. Javascript (from vanilla js to all sorts of libraries and frameworks), CSS (Sass, LESS, etc) and HTML (preprocessors, templates etc). Nothing different from the traditional. I enjoy creating weird and uncommon side-projects when I want to play around with frontend. I have also worked with PHP and Python in some projects, and currently I am enjoying to learn Golang.

Since 2006 trying to avoid the float property.

About this blog

This blog is built with Jekyll, a special system that generates static pages in a very easy way, using markdown to write its content. You can find the source code here.


I use mostly images from Unsplash here, so if you are looking for a nice free image repository, check it first.


You can always send a message to sayhellotovanessa at gmail dot com.

238 words were used in this page and you found out. Congrats, you are a hacker!